My Good Company, My Bad Company

Keep good company to achieve positive results
It is no more news that the type of friends you keep have tremendous impact on your life. That’s why when someone finds it hard to understand who you are; he seeks to understand who your friends are. Your friends play an important role in shaping and re-shaping your life. Are you succeeding or failing? Check your company! You need to keep company of good friends to achieve positive results. It's up to you to be wise when choosing your friends. Its advisable to choose your friends, rather than allowing them to choose you. You may not clearly understand their intentions in-depthly when they offer their hand in friendship. When interrelating with others ensure your motives are clearly defined, be quick to identify the good eggs and be prepared to influence the bad eggs among them.
As long as you desired a productive friendship, you must select wisely. Take time to understand a person well enough, especially strangers, before accepting or offering them friendship. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Considering what a person says, the outfit, appearance and career of choice may mislead you from knowing their real personality. Friendship is a life-long journey. That’s why marriage built on friendship lasts longer. There are number of reasons for choosing a friend. Most people don’t analyze who they choose to be their friend closely, as long as they are happy with her or him. What they are ignorant about is that some friends bring us temporary joy, while others bring us everlasting joy. That you are a friend to someone doesn’t justify that the person is your true friend. Everyone is your friend is a wrong notion! You can be colleagues with someone but not friends and you can be neighbors but not friends. That doesn’t mean that you hate them. No! Bad company brings you sadness, while good company brings you everlasting joy. Good company continually assists in upgrading, rebuilding and supporting you in personal growth and development. Its very important to select wisely!

Let these be your yardstick for assessing your new friends. You can equally assess your old friends to know where they actually belong.
  1. ·Habits
  2. ·Attitude
  3. ·Life Goals
  4. ·Family Orientation
  5. ·Faith (Religious Belief)
Habit is the first thing you need to find out about a stranger before accepting his or her friendship request. What HABIT does he posses? Habit is a repeated act of behavior learnt through conscious effort. For instance, an addictive smoker was not born a smoker. He learn how to smoke through a conscious effort of imitations, trial and error or role-play. He learns it! He made it an habit - a point of duty, everyday to practise the act of smoking before he becomes addicted. The development of other good and bad habits follow the same route. Its important to fully understand the habits of your friends, to be able to treat the accordingly.


A string of habits forms attitude, a string of attitudes forms your character, a string of characters forms your personality. Your attitude is determined by highest number of either positive or negative habits. His or Her attitude may also be his or her judgement about his or her actions and activities. Know your friend's attitude before you choose him or her.

Life Goals
A best friend is someone who assist you to achieve your life goals. It becomes easier when both of you are trading the same goal. You will automatically become partners in progress. You can share ideas, develop strategies, set plans, evaluate results and plan ahead. But if you and your friends aren't on the same plane to work as a team will become imperatively difficult. It will reduce the speed at which you operate in achieving your life-goals. So, this yardstick is to help you to know if he/she is having the same mindset with you on your journey to the top.
Family Orientations
Nowadays, we don't value this factor anymore. Why? We felt family influence have relative effect on who a person is. But the reverse is the case. There is a uniting force that operates in every family which determines, to some extent, how successful their members will be. This uniting force are the result of stereotypes, beliefs, values and orientations passed onto family members from generations to generations. Your unique kind of person may disapprove some sets of values that other person is having. But if you don't take time to find out about them, how will you know? Know about the family background of a person you propose friendship to or who proposed friendship to you.
Faith (Religious Belief)
This is quite similar to the former yardstick but with slight difference. We live in a society of hundreds of religious beliefs. You have to take to cognizance the type of faith your friend practise. This is not to create dividing line among people along faith, but to know if you will be able to abide by the rules of the faith of your friend when the needs arises. If you know you won't be able to condone it when the needs will arise, then its better you reject friendship from such person.

After you have successfully assessed them, it will assist you in relating with them in an appropriate way. When I say friendship, I mean close pairs or more that look after each other or one another at all time. So, you may not be friends to some persons and still do great things with or for them. That shouldn't stop you from rendering any form of assistant to them, if the need arises.  
End this month by analyzing your friends and move closer to those who are ready to assist your dreams to fruition. Your good friends compliment your weakness and assist you to achieve and achieve more. You should also compliment theirs too. Your vision, missions, goals, plans and dreams should be shared with them. Share your good and bad moments with them too. Never reveal your plans to your bad company. Your bad company is characterized with bad habits, bad family orientations, distort ambition, bad attitude and false religious faith. You don’t relate your good nightmares with your bad company. Act as a spy among your bad friends. Also act as a role model to influence their bad habits and wrong orientations. Spend more time with the good eggs and considerable time with the bad ones. Never leave your bad company without changing them! If consistent change efforts failed, stay away from them. When called upon to settle disputes, be neutral and don’t take sides. Be empathetic and don’t be sympathetic. Don’t judge rather analyze faults as mistakes and mend errors with wisdom. Build a strong relationship that flourishes to achieve great accomplishments.


  1. Love! If we look closely we find bits and bits of our personality in each and everyone we allow close to us. Not everyone can be your friend and its okay

    1. Yes, Juliana and that's more reason we have to be careful before choosing them. Thanks dear!
