How to Select an Appropriate Career

As a youth or teenager, you’ll one day be faced with the challenge of selecting a career-life. We are sometimes in dilemma of what choice is the best for us between; what our parents want us to be and that which we love to become. At times, what our pals expect us to be complicates the whole issue. To some, career-choice is fun, while it’s a big challenge to others. It is evident in our society that majority of us, both teenagers and youths, select a career-path because of the monetary benefits that it promises to give. At the end, we feel unrealized, depressed, frustrated, unfulfilled and less-fulfilled, even with billions of dollars and nairas. What is the missing factor? Is it money? NO. Let’s consider the research’s report below:

Two American authors, Robert J. Kriegel and Louis Patler, carried out a research on 1500 people over 20 years span. The objective was to test how following one’s passion in career choice makes a significant difference. At the beginning of the study, the group was divided into 2. Group A will be starting their career for the prospect of making money now, in order to attain what they wanted in future, while Group B chooses their career for the opposite reason. 83% of 1,500 choose the first group while the other 17% choose the second group. 20years later the authors discovered some startling results. There were a total of 101millionaires from the entire sample size of 1500. But what was startling was that; 100 of 101millionaires came from Group B – those who went to pursue what they loved. 
Can you find the missing link now? Is it passion? Yes, passion conquers money in career selection. I shall discuss 2 basic Career Tools; Self Knowledge and Self Discovery to buttress this.
. . .the you in you, makes you the you, you are – Abraham Lincoln
Self Knowledge starts with the understanding of your true self. If you don’t know yourself, you can’t understand yourself. It is the ability to see the real image that you possess and not what you think you are. You may see yourself as outspoken; are you truly outspoken? Be sincere to yourself. Some are seen as timid; but in the actual sense they are brave person inside of them. Then, who are you? Abraham Lincoln said; “the you in you, makes you the you, you are. I shall try to analyze the three phases of this quote. The first you refers to your imaginary self; the mental picture you carry about, about yourself. This is otherwise known as self esteem; which could either be low or high. What it does to you is that, it directs the way you project yourself to others. Your level of self-esteem determines who and what you attract at every point of your life. Your correct evaluation of yourself is very important to your success in life. People with a low esteem never make it big in life. The second you refers to your actual self – what you present to people around you. This is otherwise referred to as personality; the overall definition of yourself. The way you speak, what you say, the way you dress, address issues and situations, your character, habits, attitude amongst others describe who you are. This is equally important to your life success; it strengthens your chosen career-path and determines how you get what you have and how far you go in life. The last you refers to the observed self; what people around see you as. This is otherwise referred to as brand. Brand creates recognition and attention for whom people see you to be. This is what stands you out among your equal. The type of brand you build overtime determines what label you’re given among your family, friends and peers. If there is a brand in Africa that African leaders are working on becoming, then, it’s Mandibas. Know yourself, it’s very important!

Answer the following questions with absolute sincerity:
  • Who Are You? e.g. I am an internally motivated person, I am a joker or I am a respectful child
  • Where Are You? e.g. I am living in an underdeveloped society, I am surrounded by positive-minded people or People don’t listen when I talk 
  • Where do You wish to be? e.g. I wish to climb mountains, I wish I could be among Dr. Ben. Carson’s Team or I wish to travel into heavenly bodies
  • What brand do You represent? e.g. I compromise at easy, I possess sound integrity or I am bias
  • How do You manage your Self-esteem? e.g. I imitate successful persons, I am positive or I keep to plans
What were your sincere responses? Considering your responses, describe yourself in one word. Your final response is the exact person that you are.
Learn to feel good about yourself, but don’t overdo. Low achievers try to solve their weakness, while successful men advance their strengths. The choice is yours. Imagine you have gotten what you dreamt about, start living it now. Know your weaknesses, but play to your strengths. Your strengths are seen in things you stand for, while your weaknesses are seen in things you fall for. Believe in yourself and your strengths, be optimistic and don’t lose focus. You might have been in nightmare ever since, this is the time to wake up to face life-realities. Get out of the fantasy-circle and begin to be real and truthful about yourself.
“Nothing is as frustrating as a wrong choice of either relationship or career path” - Brian Tracy

After you have successfully understood yourself, you need to know where to direct yourself. Self Discovery is the ability to direct your strengths, abilities, capacities, potentials, talents, skills, values, knowledge, wisdom and others to the right route. It gives you a direction on your career roadmap. Learn how to think straight and remain optimistic. Successful men and women live and dine with challenges everyday. I equally do. Don’t expect a smooth path. Continue unveiling that person in you. Be ready to learn, give no chance for ignorance. Expand your capacity as far as you can; there is no traffic on extra miles.
 Which of these best fit your type of person?
  • People Oriented jobs are those that involves in day-to-day interaction with people in resolving issues and challenges. Example of these are; Mass Communicators, Doctors, Nurses, Counselors, Psychologists, Customer Care Agents, Human Relation Officers, Lawyers, Public Speakers, Instructors etc
  • Material Oriented jobs are those that involves in day-to-day interactions with documents and equipment and examples are Laboratory Attendants, Newscasters, Musicians, Company Executives, Receptionist, Authors, Artisans, Sculptors, Athletes, Footballers, Geologists etc
  • While People-Material Oriented jobs are those who interacts with both people and other non-living things, examples are; Reporters, Sales Representatives, Front Desk Officers, Accountants, Consultants, Entrepreneurs, Teachers etc.
What career practices best suit your kind of person? Which would you like to be known with for the rest of your life?

Confucious said, “choose a job and you will never have to work a day in your life”. Many people wake up everyday of their lives, assuming someone could replace them at their workplace. Career can be as sweet as paradise and as undeserving as hell. If you are in a related career you will always aspire to be among the best if not the best. A career that doesn’t challenge you, doesn’t deserve your attention. Versatility is the quest of a successful career woman and man. Know everything about your field and know little about others. That’s what keeps you ahead of your colleagues. Neglect being jack of all trades, discover your best fit. You can be the best, it’s possible. It’s simple; beat the best and be the best.

Abraham Lincoln said, “the best way to predict the future is to create it”. You now know yourself and how to discover who you are; how to create the future you want is in your hands. State your mission and vision statements as clear and simple as possible. Live by them and practice them everyday. What seperates the successful woman and man from the unsuccessful ones is the first step. Take the first step today. Learn more about your anticipated career and judge if you’re truly up to the task. Decide that path today and continue dwelling in success and happiness for the rest of your life.

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