Your Sky

Most times I often hear people say; the sky is my starting point. But in reality this is not always true. It is either an end of the road or hurdle for further progress. There are three set of people that also utter such. I call them; The Belower, The Starter and The Abover. These different categories of person hold wrong stereotype about their respective points of success in life.
Lets analyze them in succession; Simply put, sky here refers to your point of achievement in life.

The first set; The Belower, are those struggling to get to the sky but pretend the sky is their starting point. They turned away from reality. Its good to have good wishes or forsee great things ahead. But your refusal to accept things as they really are is a serious threat. It devoids you the chance of seeing yourself for whom you really are. Besides, identifying with other peoples' image will cause you more harm than good. Light up your own firewoods and get your own charcoal. There is joy in having self-made products than depending on others' made items. The belower hasn't achieved, but shows up asif he has arrived. This is a big challenge for someone who desires success. Afterall, you can give what you don't have. This is mostly common among the students of the 20th and 21st Centuries universities. They haven't got to the sky, yet they voice-out, "the sky is our starting point".

The second category; The Starter, are those struggling to go beyond the sky.

Instead of their sky being the starting-point, it turned out to be their end-point. Yes, you just arrived. Now you are in-charge. How long will you continue to be in-charge? The starter with this common belief doesn't get anyway further. The joy of the starter should be under conscious-check. It shouldn't over-shadow the expectations of tomorrow. How will you not loose what you have already gotten? Moreso, how will you get more? How will you go beyond your sky? You can't be on the second position and be awarded the first prize. That's the big secret! You must shift ground to gain new grounds. To the starter, the sky is not your starting point. rather, it's your most important, essential and dangerous point in life.

The third category; The Abover, are those struggling with not to fall back to or below their sky. This is because of the same wrong orientation. They continue to look down with the phobia, "I don't want to fail", instead of looking up to more challenges. They lack the knowledge to maintain positions above the sky. Instead of looking up to greater heights to motivate them go higher, they look down and become more afraid to go up. It is when you fall you look back not when you run. Remember that you are always in-between; either you are failing or succeeding. There is always a point behind you and definitely a point ahead of you. You're still in the middle! This should be a source of challenge to the abover, that former positions and former records are old records and old grounds. They are all old, there is need for rehabilitation. Set new plans, break new grounds and keep new records. You cannot continue living in yesterday when you have today, a new day!
To the abover, your sky is not your starting point, rather a point that is yet to come.

To everyone, your sky is your vision, your mission, your heart-desires and wishes, your expectations, your hopes, your stated objectives and your target goals. It may seems close and near, but yet it hasn't arrived. If you can still breathe, eat, sleep soundly and perform other characteristics of man, your sky hasn't arrived. No one or circumstance must stop you from getting there. Even a man who was blind, crippled, deaf and dump was able to write a book. How much you, who is absolutely complete? Check yourself and ask; where am I to my sky? Am I a Belower? Am I a Starter? or am I an Abover? What can I do to avoid struggling with my sky? What will I do after gotten to my sky? How do I excel beyond my sky? Life is not about what you say, what you see or what you do. Life is more about what and how you think. Your sky is not your starting point but a point of opportunity.

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