To be successful in one’s endeavor one has to go through some process, for success don’t just come neither is it inherited but  it is attained when one overcomes the challenges on his/her path to achieve goals. “Challenge is the pathway to Championship; no one is born a winner but winners are made through enormous and rigorous work. The difference between the extraordinary and the ordinary is the EXTRA – which means the extra relevant works that is done is the key to stand out among the ORDINARY.
Studying the lives of great achievers, one would realize that they are men with great passion, purpose, hard-work, Commitment, dedication and sacrifice.


Purpose can be said to be a reason for a course of action. In other words, purpose can be also defined as a goal to be achieved or a desired height to be attained. For anyone to be able to know his/her purpose in life one has to answer the question: “WHO ARE YOU”? If we can answer this question effectively we would find it easy to climb on the ladder of success. Sometimes we might be able to determine our purpose if we’re able to recognize our potentials, talents, natural gift or passion. Lack of purpose or vision is like playing a football game without a goal post; such kind of journey would be baseless, aimless and goalless. Martin Luther King ones said: if you don’t have a purpose of living then you’re not fit to live.

In relation to the course of discourse I define work as the total personal input in achieving ones GOAL. Work is never a substitute for belief, that’s the mistake many make. The have believe in their dreams and aspirations without a tangible work input to achieve it. ”To be work-less is to be Worthless, nothing can work except for workers”. The difference between success and failure in the lives of individuals is the personal effort and input towards achieving their goals.

You don’t have to do anything to fail but to succeed you have to work intensely towards your goal. 

Sacrifice is what someone give out that has a negative feedback on the person at that particular period of time, in terms of resources, manpower or time but later result in extraordinary achievement. sacrifice can be seen as something that make way or produce an undue grace, success or favour to someone. 

Always look beyond obstacles and aim for the target {goal} because concentrating on obstacles can make one lose focus and fail. Let us always remember that without challenges there’s no champion. Without a contest there’s no winner. 

In becoming a success one might encounter a lot of challenges, for success path to greatness don’t just come neither is it inherited but it is attained when one overcomes the challenges on his/her path to greatness.

First is those that knows what they want and knows how to get it, they realize that great souls have wills but feeble ones have only wishes. They are those that are ready to give everything it takes in the right path to achieve success. Success is embedded in their DNA. 

Secondly, those that know what they want but they don’t know how to get it. They know their ability, they do recognize their strength and they even know the wills of God for their lives, but they lack direction to attain success. What they require is the know-how and listening spirit to recognize the way and listen to instruction from those that have achieved great feat in the field they are aiming to attain success, to lead them right. There is always a coach or mentor behind every world star.

Thirdly, are those without vision and direction; they failed to recognize their gifts, potential or talents. Many of which says they don’t have talents – they are aimless. They have to know that no one is born void, there is an inherent quality and ability every single individual possess. It is the responsibility of individual to detect and discover that which is embedded in them.

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